Just an update on this crazy surgery. Went yesterday for 2nd post-op visit. Everything is progressing well, except I am going stir crazy. Can't really get out much because of this weather, can't do a whole lot because I can't be on my feet very long and I am NOT sleeping very well at night. Any suggestions? Only 4 more weeks of this!!!! Then a 3 week break and I get the other foot operated. Boo!!!!!!!! But hopefully this will mean no more sore feet and I can actually walk to get some exercise. I know, quit complaining Rita, there are other people who definitely have it worse. Like J. Buck who may never walk again.
Enought boo hooing...I am definitely ready for spring. I would love to go to a nursery and see the plants for this year and puruse some flower and seed catalogs However, since we moved I haven't received any. Doesn't your junk mail follow you wherever you go? Now my junk mail only clutters my email address!!
Enought boo hooing...I am definitely ready for spring. I would love to go to a nursery and see the plants for this year and puruse some flower and seed catalogs However, since we moved I haven't received any. Doesn't your junk mail follow you wherever you go? Now my junk mail only clutters my email address!!
Looks like spring is getting closer! Gorgeous here in Roanoke. Happy Birthday! Or as the girls would say, Happy Birthday to you, Nana (with a little sing-songy voice). They must think that the only time you say happy birthday is if you are actually singing it.
Well said.
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