Saturday, December 02, 2006

This Nana has been recovering from "nana overload". It was a great time with Sydney and Makenzie, while mom and dad went on a cruise to celebrate their 10 years of marriage. But a reminder that we have children when we are young for very good reasons. The first and and most important is the physical. I was plum wore out; sure glad those two munchkins slept well and me too!!

While I was gone, Steve finished most of the landscaping we had planned this year. He has worked very hard trying to get this house in order. Buying a new home is not what it's cut out to be and not a piece of cake. There is more work involved than appears unless you just want pure white walls and no trees and grass. Or better yet, if you have mega bucks and hire someone else to do it.

Baked a little holiday goodies today. All the grandkids and families will be hear for Christmas day this year. What a ball we should have. But I am trying to plan ahead, so I can enjoy the festivities too. I just need to not place too many expectations on myself and not have everything a "certain" way. That is "my way" as my girls would say. Am a perfectionist? That is a bad word at my house!!

I am praying for more time with Steve during this time. Two weeks apart was way too much, a few years back I had promised myself that we wouldn't spend any great length of time apart; time becomes more precious to me each day. I feel an urgency to be with him more all the time; am I just getting older or is the outside world pushing itself into our lives too much. This includes the outside world of the church too. Family first! Easier said than done.


Blogger Erica said...

It's good to see that you got a chance to catch up on blogging. Did you make whoopie pies for Christmas? I might have time to make some goodies to bring. I don't know if our church is having a Christmas cookie swap this year, but I would enjoy it if we would. We went to another church last night for this thing called Bethlehem Marketplace. It was so cool. They had taken their gym and transformed it into Bethlehem. They had booths set up where people were dressed up and "selling" things like it would have been in Bethlehem when everyone went for the census. They had live animals like camel and donkeys and at the end was a manger with a real baby Jesus. The girls went right up to him and kissed his head and then all the way home had to tell us that baby Jesus is sleeping! It was a really neat thing to go to and very well done for a church that size.

6:58 PM  
Blogger cool rita said...


7:28 PM  

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