Friday, July 28, 2006

Sat with Brennan and Micah tonight so Ali could lead worship at Bible School. They all have had a bug, so I hope we don't get it, and the boys needed to be home. Brennan wasn't his active self, except for mercilessly teasing BJ with a biscuit. He only stayed a short time at the park. Micah sat on our laps all evening...not usual for an 8 month old either.

But when we were ready to leave, Brennan wanted to come home with us...wish we lived even closer so I could have him more often...but he said bye many times and had to give us a last minute slobbery kiss and hug. So this time tomorrow, I will probably be heaving and sick with the flu just because I love those grandkid kisses more than anything!! Even the sticky, dirty ones!
Blueberry season is here and that's exactly where Steve and I headed after a clear Dr's appt this morning. Surgery was a success on his left leg yesterday and it is amazing the change already. This should have been done ages ago, but maybe the advances in medicine was to his advantage. The right leg is in 3 weeks and he will be a new man.

Didn't pick blueberries today...I wanted to but Steve's leg wouldn't handle it. I may come back and get some next week...probably the end of the season. Also, got some yummy Red Haven peaches, now in season. I love coming back to Michigan where all this fruit is in abundance...even with the bad weather incidences this spring. Now the farmers are dealing with a fungus (mold) on the pickles. Did you know that Michigan is the highest producing area for pickles (cucumbers for pickle producers)?? I didn't either...$35 Million/year!!

Steve would like a peach pie, but I do believe we should just eat them fresh...diets, you know! Boo!!

Today and tomorrow I am going to try to make some headway in settling into this house. Would someone out there in blog land be willing to help me!!!HELP! I need it...Bye for now.

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

My blog suffered for over a week with the lack of a computer. Helping again my aunt to get settled into assisted living consumed 10 days. I spent my spare time looking through old family photos and pix and hope to print and distribute them to family this fall and winter. Some photos were salvagable, but many had discolored and were poor quality, so I pitched and sorted. As I looked over many of my deceased relatives, I was reminded how short life really is, even for those who live many years, like my aunt, who will be 98 in August. Our days are precious and we flit our time away as if we have forever.

Somehow, someway, I need to rid my life of the unnecessary. First I must determine what is unnecessary and start to sort. Sort thoughts, junk in my mind and literally junk in my surroundings, which there is a lot of. Maybe that is why I have felt so disturbed these last months...things just don't fit in my life like they used to...reflection can be so very painful.

The next month is so scheduled I think I may just have to take a few days to go away and do something mindless...walk through a woods, walk on the beach, explore a new place I've never been, or just sleep all day and read a book that doesn't take too much thought.

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

After 8 months in the new house, we hung the first thing on the wall. Surprise!? Well, that just about sums up the way our life has been for the last 1 1/2 years. Settled...not really sure if we know what that means anymore, but we are trying to get back to some normalcy. Ministry anywhere seems to me to be just like waiting on the top of a slide ready to go down, the thrill comes when you go down, but then you have to trudge up the stairs again to get the thrill sliding down. And have you ever got on a slide and your legs or pants stuck so you just scooted down? Well, I feel like I am about half way down the slide, but I may need to scoot back up to the top to make it down.

Another trip to Muncie to get Aunt Carroll settled this Sunday. Hopefully will be getting her settled in the assisted living facility she was in before. Saturday is the annual Zerbe reunion in Kokomo, near where Grandma and Grandpa Zerbe lived. Many cousins come far and wide...D.C., Missouri, Wisconsin, Michigan, S.C., Indiana etc. Not sure who will be there this year, last year we planned to go and the Erica and the twins were here, but it was in Southern Indiana, so opted out. Boy, no one let us forget that they weren't happy about that. Oh well, again can't please everyone!!!!

My loving husband is so patient. I love him so...we are both so tired, I guess old age! Ha! Don't laugh...I am, but that is because I know it is true. We need a resting vacation more than anything, wish we knew when that will happen.

Monday, July 03, 2006

Hung window boxes today, then it poured rain and the outdoor work was put on hold. I wish I could make some headway getting this house in order...but may have some time tomorrow, IT'S A HOLIDAY!!! Will go to the famous Schoolcraft 4th of July parade, after having breakfast with the staff at Sheryl and Don's house, right on the parade route. How convenient. I hear this parade is known miles around...a classic. Then later fireworks at the Watson's on Palmer Lake in Colon.

Had a great time at Pastor Greg's parents lake home on Sunday...another staff outing. A boat ride, food, fun conversation, food, relaxing, homemade ice cream, and an awesome prayer time with Robert from Uganda. Not sure of Robert's last name...but he came with the Hunt's and he was a blessing. His family is in Uganda, he is here for studies. His vision is to go back and plant a church each year. How would the US change if our vision was as big??

Steve, Greg and Gary stayed up late(12 midnight) watching The Patriot with Mel Gibson. I guess they needed a patriotic fix...? I came home and went to bed and Steve was still up before I was this morning! Oh, well...I just hate mornings!