Wednesday, February 28, 2007

This is a quickie. Had surgery on my foot last Tuesday and haven't been able to blog or even check computer too much. Keep blogging and I'll try to get a few words in every once and awhile.

Nothing new here, but I am completely bored silly being off my feet for so long...5 more weeks before the pin comes out. Hope this is all good to go by summer!

I miss BJ too!!!!

Monday, February 05, 2007

Ok, half of the US is under a winter advisory because it is colder than normal, but all of us here in Michigan should be in what they call an Arctic advisory. It is so cold here that BJ will not even get near the door and when we kick him out, he looks like he is going to the gas chamber. That's our dog, for those who don't know. This morning he was under the covers with me. He is a very smart dog!!

With all this forced time inside, I think I will attempt to catch up on some projects. Taxes are eminent, boo!!!, and I would like to get some sewing done and scrapbooking!! My life sounds so mundane doesn't it!?

Steve and I took the weekend to visit a "growing" church just about 2 hours from us. It was a time away and also an assignment for him to see what other churches are "doing". I wonder about the validity of this and how much it will benefit LCBC. God's command was to worship him, have no other God's except him in our lives, love your neighbor and of course, the "Great Commission" to share our love of Christ with others and build relationships with them and our church. OK, now if we do this, why do we even care what "Big, Growing Church of Whereeverville" is doing? We aren't "Big, Growing Church of Whereeverville"! We are LCBC and our personality is unique only to us. True about every church, everywhere. So where am I going with this. . . do we spend too much time trying to reap ideas and help from other churches, or should we be building from what where we are and who we are to impact others with the abilities and uniqueness that only LCBC possesses. Christ is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow, but LCBC is different than any other church and God's plan for us is like no other church as well, so can we waste too much time trying to find somewhere else "how to do church" and lose precious moments that he has planned for us? It is almost like my comparing myself to somelike Beth Moore (don't get me wrong, I absolutely love her teaching), and trying to be like her because I think I will have more impact for Jesus if I am. But I am not, I am me and God has a plan only unique to me and it is as important to him as anyone else's plan. Do I really understand the impact of that as I encounter people every day or work to fulfill a commitment I've made in my church or to others? I hope so. . .this is a prayer for me right now that I can keep it as a goal to remember why I do what I do anywhere, anytime. Love to all you bloggers out there. . .I know who you are, since there are so few who read what I say. This may be an indication of how poor a writer I really am. And to think, my first major in college was journalism. Actually that sort of sounds fun now!!!!