Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Jon and Erica moved into their new house today!!! Yesterday while the carpets were being cleaned, a truck delivering lumber next door ran into the van. Welcome to the neighborhood!!

I know they are anxious to be in their new home and get settled. It is very nice and big, maybe we can have a reunion there soon.

I am tired, but probably not as tired as they are, however I am 25 years older. This body reminds me of that every day. Boo!!! So when I go to clean out my deceased aunt's house this week, my aches and pains will be in full force. But a lot of memories to sort through and discard what is not valuable, which is hard to determine...what is valuable to me as a niece may have no value to anyone else. Oh well, my "pitch and purge" attitude may kick in quickly when I see how much there is. For all my family readers, hope to see you there!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thursday, July 12, 2007

Where have I been!? Busy, that's where!!! I know, everyone is busy, but after my birthday, which by the way is the last time I posted, life accelerated and didn't slowed down much. I won't bore anyone with all that has happened since March 13th, but it has been crazy.

Jon and Erica and the girls have been with us since June 2nd. They are moving to Caledonia, MI. Yeah!!!! I am so glad they will be closer to us and believe it or not, I have loved having them. They are so much fun to watch and listen to...2 year olds say the funniest things. Life is good. Now our grandchildren will all be within an hour drive of us!!!!

Here's some pix to enjoy...