Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Today is my 55th birthday!!! Some women would never declare their age with so much tenacity, but I say, why not! It is something to celebrate, considering that I have had Type I diabetes for 30 years and God has given me these years to celebrate life. Is it always easy and celebratory? Not by any means, but I am reminded daily as I see many people struggle with seemingly impossible odds that God is there with me every second and He holds me close to Him.

HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME ( GRANDSON BRENNAN SAYS I AM ONLY 13 TODAY, HE IS A PROPHET!!!!!). Thank you God for another day to walk with you.

Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Just an update on this crazy surgery. Went yesterday for 2nd post-op visit. Everything is progressing well, except I am going stir crazy. Can't really get out much because of this weather, can't do a whole lot because I can't be on my feet very long and I am NOT sleeping very well at night. Any suggestions? Only 4 more weeks of this!!!! Then a 3 week break and I get the other foot operated. Boo!!!!!!!! But hopefully this will mean no more sore feet and I can actually walk to get some exercise. I know, quit complaining Rita, there are other people who definitely have it worse. Like J. Buck who may never walk again.

Enought boo hooing...I am definitely ready for spring. I would love to go to a nursery and see the plants for this year and puruse some flower and seed catalogs However, since we moved I haven't received any. Doesn't your junk mail follow you wherever you go? Now my junk mail only clutters my email address!!